Saturday, January 1, 2011


Neutrality is a status imbued with corresponding rights and obligations to remain impartial or unaligned with any of the belligerents in an international conflict.

Duties of the neutral states:

1. Duty of abstention – from giving assistance to either side.
2. Duty of prevention – from being used as base of a belligerent.
3. Duty of acquiescence – to submit to acts belligerents with respect to commerce of its nationals and the same are warranted under international law.
4. Allow passage on maritime belt of territorial (without becoming a military base of a belligerent) but not on internal waters.
5. Not to allow war like activities in its territory (Port calls allowed only for necessary repairs and for vessels in distress, not enhancement of might; not more than 24hours; belligerent vessels must be at least 24 hours apart.)
6. Neutral ports cannot be used as asylum or place for hiding.

To be disarmed and POW’s become free if the belligerent soldiers enter neutral territory.

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