Sunday, January 23, 2011

Morong 43

The group of  Morong 43 is composed of health workers who were (suspected members of NPA- New People’s Army) arrested in the rest house in Morong last February 6, 2010, after 10 months of being detained some of them were released just before Christmas and on the International Human Rights Day.

The 43 health workers were charged before the RTC of Morong with the violations of PD 1866 as amended by the RA 8294 and RA 9516, imposing penalties for illegal possession of grenades and other explosives and violations of COMELEC Resolution No. 8714 in relation to Article 261 of the Election Code, which prohibits any person unless authorized by the COMELEC, to carry firearms outside his residence during the election period.

DOJ said the search warrant used by the military for the arrest was defective and that based on the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine, the evidence is not admissible in court.

It’s a lesson for the military to follow the procedures as provided by law. We do not conclude that the members of Morong 43 are innocents but they shall be treated as accused with the same rights as conferred by law.

On the contrary, AFP awarded bronze cross medals those who led in the arrest of the Morong 43.

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