Tuesday, November 20, 2012

important doctrines in criminal law

Privilege of Neutral Reportage- Under this privilege, a republisher who accurately and disinterestedly reports certain defamatory statements made against public figures is shielded from liability regardless of the republisher awareness of the truth or falsity of the accusation. The privilege applies where the defamed person is a public figure who is involved in an exiting controversy and a party to that controversy makes the defamatory statement.

Void for vagueness -A law must be clear enough to be understood by men of ordinary intelligence. If it cannot be so understood, then it is vague and if it is vague it is necessarily void.

The three fold rule - it is when a convict were to suffer at least 4 penalties, the convict's sentence shall not be more than three-fold the length of the time of the most severe.

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