Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why An ID Theft Report Is So Important by Neil Carson

If you are the victim of ID theft, you know well the feeling of utter confusion and distress that can take hold when you realize it has finally happened to you. 

To suddenly find yourself with wrecked credit or empty bank accounts can feel like a hard blow to your gut. 

Though you may initially feel humiliated, embarrassed, or angry it is important to maintain your composure and do the right things quickly. If you want to get your credit back on track and maybe even catch the criminal who did this to you, time is of the essence. 

One of the best things you can do is to arm yourself with an official ID theft report. 

Perhaps you have already filed a police report of the crime against you with federal, state or local law enforcement. While that is a wonderful thing, it is not the same as filing a formal ID theft report. 

A regular police report might list that you were a victim of ID theft, but it generally will not list the specifics of the crime like an actual identity theft report will. 

In your ID theft report, you need to list key details of the crime. If you had bank accounts or credit card accounts compromised, for example, be sure to list the account numbers. Also, if known, list the days and times of the security breeches. 

It is important to understand that your credit report is more than just at risk if you have become a victim of an ID crime. In fact your entire credit history can get completely destroyed. 

This is why you need to send a copy of your ID theft report to any businesses that were involved with the fraudulent act, as well as to credit bureaus like Transunion and Equifax, who have the power to adjust and remove erroneous information in your credit report. 

In fact, those major credit reporting companies can use your ID theft report to flag your account and get you on the fast track to recovery from the crime. 

An official report will put credit bureaus on special alert to watch for any more trouble. These companies can also take all fraudulent activity off of your credit record. 

In other words, you will be able to go back to having your own credit history, which can help you get loans or buy things on credit in the future, such as cars or houses. That is, assuming that your own credit was good to begin with. 

So if you become a victim of identity theft, the one thing to remember is not to let it become an ongoing set of things to do. You should move quickly and purposefully in order to keep your damages to an absolute minimum. 

An ID theft report can help you to get your credit back on track as soon as possible. So do not forget to file one, and do not allow yourself to be a victim for any extended period of time.

Source: Articlecity
Want to discover more about the ID Theft Report and how to file one? Visit for free ID theft help, articles, and resources.

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