Saturday, April 23, 2011

Palace Side on the RH Bill

Aquino once said in his 2010 Presidential Campaign about his stand on the RH Bill. Until now, he has not wavered his stand. With the growing controversy about Reproductive Health Bill, the President said that he supports the RH Bill even if he will be excommunicated from the sectors of Catholic Church.

“We are focused on the quality of life of all of their children and also on the idea that responsibility has to be borne by the parents together with the churches that they belong to the state”, he said.

Senator Panfilo Lacson also expressed support to the president for supporting the RH Bill amid the threats of excommunication. 

The senator said, “Finding ways to curb our monstrous population growth rate, which has been a major part of our poverty problem, is one sensible approach in poverty alleviation. Advocating population management is not being anti –life. In fact, it is pro-country and pro-people.”

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