Monday, December 13, 2010

Movies with legal theme that you should watch.

Sit back and relax. Enjoy these movies.

01.  A Civil Action- played by John Travolta, here he is a greedy lawyer whose qualification in accepting a case is only if he can get money out of the defendants. In the end, he learned his lesson. 

02.  Exorcism of Emily Rose – A true story of Emily Rose who undergone exorcism and later the judge convicted the priest for his negligence in the process of exorcism that caused Emily’s death.

03.  To kill a mocking bird – A black and white movie about the attorney who helped a black man who was accused of raping a white girl.

04.  I am Sam – Played by Sean Penn, an excellent movie involving the issue of custody of a child. Whether it will be given to foster parents or to her father who has a mental capacity of a 7 years old.

05.  The Client- written by John Grisham, this is a story of a boy who witnessed the murder of a man.

06.  Runaway Jury- An excellent movie about a member of a jury in a case who induced the plaintiff’s party and defendant’s party to win their case by paying him.

if you know movies with legal theme post a comment. i'll be glad to add your favourite movies to this list.

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