Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Doctrine of
State immunity from suit.
basic postulate enshrined in the Constitution that “[t]he State may not be sued
without its consent,” reflects nothing less than a recognition of the sovereign
character of the State and an express affirmation of the unwritten rule
effectively insulating it from the jurisdiction of courts. It is based on the very
essence of sovereignty. As has been
aptly observed by Justice Holmes, a sovereign is exempt from suit, not because
of any formal conception or obsolete theory, but on the logical and practical
ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority that makes the
law on which the right depends. True, the doctrine, not too infrequently, is
derisively called “the royal prerogative of dishonesty” because it grants the
state the prerogative to defeat any legitimate claim against it by simply
invoking its non-suability. We have had occasion to explain in its defense,
however, that a continued adherence to the doctrine of non-suability cannot be
deplored, for the loss of governmental efficiency and the obstacle to the
performance of its multifarious functions would be far greater in severity than
the inconvenience that may be caused private parties, if such fundamental
principle is to be abandoned and the availability of judicial remedy is not to
be accordingly restricted. (Department
of Agriculture v. NLRC, 227 SCRA 693, Nov. 11, 1993 [Vitug]
Doctrine of Constitutional Supremacy
Under the doctrine of
constitutional supremacy, if a law or contract violates any norm of the
Constitution, that law or contract, whether promulgated by the legislative or
by the executive branch or entered into by private persons for private
purposes, is null and void and without any force and effect. Thus, since the Constitution is the
fundamental, paramount and supreme law of the nation, it is deemed written in
every statute and contract.
(Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, 267 SCRA 408 [1997] [Bellosillo])
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Writ of Amparo
Section 1. Petition. -
The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to any person whose
right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by
an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private
individual or entity.
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof.
Sec. 2. Who May File. - The petition may be filed by the aggrieved party or by any qualified person or entity in the following order:
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof.
Sec. 2. Who May File. - The petition may be filed by the aggrieved party or by any qualified person or entity in the following order:
1. Any member of the
immediate family, namely: the spouse, children and parents of the aggrieved
2. Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of the aggrieved party within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, in default of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or
3. Any concerned citizen, organization, association or institution, if there is no known member of the immediate family or relative of the aggrieved party.
The filing of a petition by the aggrieved party suspends the right of all other authorized parties to file similar petitions. Likewise, the filing of the petition by an authorized party on behalf of the aggrieved party suspends the right of all others, observing the order established herein.
2. Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of the aggrieved party within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, in default of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or
3. Any concerned citizen, organization, association or institution, if there is no known member of the immediate family or relative of the aggrieved party.
The filing of a petition by the aggrieved party suspends the right of all other authorized parties to file similar petitions. Likewise, the filing of the petition by an authorized party on behalf of the aggrieved party suspends the right of all others, observing the order established herein.
Sec. 3. Where to File. - The petition may be filed on any day and at any time with the Regional Trial Court of the place where the threat, act or omission was committed or any of its elements occurred, or with the Sandiganbayan, the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court, or any justice of such courts. The writ shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines.
When issued by a Regional Trial Court or any judge thereof, the writ shall be returnable before such court or judge.
When issued by the Sandiganbayan or the Court of Appeals or any of their justices, it may be returnable before such court or any justice thereof, or to any Regional Trial Court of the place where the threat, act or omission was committed or any of its elements occurred.
When issued by the Supreme Court or any of its justices, it may be returnable before such Court or any justice thereof, or before the Sandiganbayan or the Court of Appeals or any of their justices, or to any Regional Trial Court of the place where the threat, act or omission was committed or any of its elements occurred.
Sec. 4. No Docket Fees. - The petitioner shall be exempted from the payment of the docket and other lawful fees when filing the petition. The court, justice or judge shall docket the petition and act upon it immediately.
Sec. 5. Contents of Petition. - The petition shall be signed and verified and shall allege the following:
1. The personal
circumstances of the petitioner;
2. The name and personal circumstances of the respondent responsible for the threat, act or omission, or, if the name is unknown or uncertain, the respondent may be described by an assumed appellation;
3. The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the respondent, and how such threat or violation is committed with the attendant circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits;
4. The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, personal circumstances, and addresses of the investigating authority or individuals, as well as the manner and conduct of the investigation, together with any report;
5. The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the person responsible for the threat, act or omission; and
6. The relief prayed for.
2. The name and personal circumstances of the respondent responsible for the threat, act or omission, or, if the name is unknown or uncertain, the respondent may be described by an assumed appellation;
3. The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the respondent, and how such threat or violation is committed with the attendant circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits;
4. The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, personal circumstances, and addresses of the investigating authority or individuals, as well as the manner and conduct of the investigation, together with any report;
5. The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the person responsible for the threat, act or omission; and
6. The relief prayed for.
The petition may include a general prayer for other just and equitable reliefs.
Sec. 6. Issuance of the Writ. - Upon the filing of the petition, the court, justice or judge shall immediately order the issuance of the writ if on its face it ought to issue. The clerk of court shall issue the writ under the seal of the court; or in case of urgent necessity, the justice or the judge may issue the writ under his or her own hand, and may deputize any officer or person to serve it.
The writ shall also set the date and time for summary hearing of the petition which shall not be later than seven (7) days from the date of its issuance.
Sec. 7. Penalty for Refusing to Issue or Serve the Writ. - A clerk of court who refuses to issue the writ after its allowance, or a deputized person who refuses to serve the same, shall be punished by the court, justice or judge for contempt without prejudice to other disciplinary actions.
Sec. 8. How the Writ is Served. - The writ shall be served upon the respondent by a judicial officer or by a person deputized by the court, justice or judge who shall retain a copy on which to make a return of service. In case the writ cannot be served personally on the respondent, the rules on substituted service shall apply.
Sec. 9. Return; Contents. - Within seventy-two (72) hours after service of the writ, the respondent shall file a verified written return together with supporting affidavits which shall, among other things, contain the following:
1. The lawful defenses to
show that the respondent did not violate or threaten with violation the right
to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party, through any act or
2. The steps or actions taken by the respondent to determine the fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the person or persons responsible for the threat, act or omission;
3. All relevant information in the possession of the respondent pertaining to the threat, act or omission against the aggrieved party; and
4. If the respondent is a public official or employee, the return shall further state the actions that have been or will still be taken:
2. The steps or actions taken by the respondent to determine the fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the person or persons responsible for the threat, act or omission;
3. All relevant information in the possession of the respondent pertaining to the threat, act or omission against the aggrieved party; and
4. If the respondent is a public official or employee, the return shall further state the actions that have been or will still be taken:
1. to verify the identity
of the aggrieved party;
2. to recover and preserve evidence related to the death or disappearance of the person identified in the petition which may aid in the prosecution of the person or persons responsible;
3. to identify witnesses and obtain statements from them concerning the death or disappearance;
4. to determine the cause, manner, location and time of death or disappearance as well as any pattern or practice that may have brought about the death or disappearance;
5. to identify and apprehend the person or persons involved in the death or disappearance; and
6. to bring the suspected offenders before a competent court.
2. to recover and preserve evidence related to the death or disappearance of the person identified in the petition which may aid in the prosecution of the person or persons responsible;
3. to identify witnesses and obtain statements from them concerning the death or disappearance;
4. to determine the cause, manner, location and time of death or disappearance as well as any pattern or practice that may have brought about the death or disappearance;
5. to identify and apprehend the person or persons involved in the death or disappearance; and
6. to bring the suspected offenders before a competent court.
The return shall also state other matters relevant to the investigation, its resolution and the prosecution of the case.
A general denial of the allegations in the petition shall not be allowed.
Sec. 10. Defenses not Pleaded Deemed Waived. - All defenses shall be raised in the return, otherwise, they shall be deemed waived.
Sec. 11. Prohibited Pleadings and Motions. - The following pleadings and motions are prohibited:
1. Motion to dismiss;
2. Motion for extension of time to file return, opposition, affidavit, position paper and other pleadings;
3. Dilatory motion for postponement;
4. Motion for a bill of particulars;
5. Counterclaim or cross-claim;
6. Third-party complaint;
7. Reply;
8. Motion to declare respondent in default;
9. Intervention;
10. Memorandum;
11. Motion for reconsideration of interlocutory orders or interim relief orders; and
12. Petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any interlocutory order.
2. Motion for extension of time to file return, opposition, affidavit, position paper and other pleadings;
3. Dilatory motion for postponement;
4. Motion for a bill of particulars;
5. Counterclaim or cross-claim;
6. Third-party complaint;
7. Reply;
8. Motion to declare respondent in default;
9. Intervention;
10. Memorandum;
11. Motion for reconsideration of interlocutory orders or interim relief orders; and
12. Petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any interlocutory order.
Sec. 12. Effect of Failure to File Return. - In case the respondent fails to file a return, the court, justice or judge shall proceed to hear the petition ex parte.
Sec. 13. Summary Hearing. - The hearing on the petition shall be summary. However, the court, justice or judge may call for a preliminary conference to simplify the issues and determine the possibility of obtaining stipulations and admissions from the parties.
The hearing shall be from day to day until completed and given the same priority as petitions for habeas corpus.
Sec. 14. Interim Reliefs. - Upon filing of the petition or at anytime before final judgment, the court, justice or judge may grant any of the following reliefs:
(a) Temporary Protection
Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon motion or motu proprio, may order
that the petitioner or the aggrieved party and any member of the immediate
family be protected in a government agency or by an accredited person or
private institution capable of keeping and securing their safety. If the
petitioner is an organization, association or institution referred to in
Section 3(c) of this Rule, the protection may be extended to the officers
The Supreme Court shall accredit the persons and private institutions that shall extend temporary protection to the petitioner or the aggrieved party and any member of the immediate family, in accordance with guidelines which it shall issue.
The accredited persons and private institutions shall comply with the rules and conditions that may be imposed by the court, justice or judge.
(b) Inspection Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon verified motion and after due hearing, may order any person in possession or control of a designated land or other property, to permit entry for the purpose of inspecting, measuring, surveying, or photographing the property or any relevant object or operation thereon.
The motion shall state in detail the place or places to be inspected. It shall be supported by affidavits or testimonies of witnesses having personal knowledge of the enforced disappearance or whereabouts of the aggrieved party.
If the motion is opposed on the ground of national security or of the privileged nature of the information, the court, justice or judge may conduct a hearing in chambers to determine the merit of the opposition.
The movant must show that the inspection order is necessary to establish the right of the aggrieved party alleged to be threatened or violated.
The inspection order shall specify the person or persons authorized to make the inspection and the date, time, place and manner of making the inspection and may prescribe other conditions to protect the constitutional rights of all parties. The order shall expire five (5) days after the date of its issuance, unless extended for justifiable reasons.
(c) Production Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon verified motion and after due hearing, may order any person in possession, custody or control of any designated documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible things, or objects in digitized or electronic form, which constitute or contain evidence relevant to the petition or the return, to produce and permit their inspection, copying or photographing by or on behalf of the movant.
The motion may be opposed on the ground of national security or of the privileged nature of the information, in which case the court, justice or judge may conduct a hearing in chambers to determine the merit of the opposition.
The court, justice or judge shall prescribe other conditions to protect the constitutional rights of all the parties.
(d) Witness Protection Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon motion or motu proprio, may refer the witnesses to the Department of Justice for admission to the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program, pursuant to Republic Act No. 6981.
The court, justice or judge may also refer the witnesses to other government agencies, or to accredited persons or private institutions capable of keeping and securing their safety.
The Supreme Court shall accredit the persons and private institutions that shall extend temporary protection to the petitioner or the aggrieved party and any member of the immediate family, in accordance with guidelines which it shall issue.
The accredited persons and private institutions shall comply with the rules and conditions that may be imposed by the court, justice or judge.
(b) Inspection Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon verified motion and after due hearing, may order any person in possession or control of a designated land or other property, to permit entry for the purpose of inspecting, measuring, surveying, or photographing the property or any relevant object or operation thereon.
The motion shall state in detail the place or places to be inspected. It shall be supported by affidavits or testimonies of witnesses having personal knowledge of the enforced disappearance or whereabouts of the aggrieved party.
If the motion is opposed on the ground of national security or of the privileged nature of the information, the court, justice or judge may conduct a hearing in chambers to determine the merit of the opposition.
The movant must show that the inspection order is necessary to establish the right of the aggrieved party alleged to be threatened or violated.
The inspection order shall specify the person or persons authorized to make the inspection and the date, time, place and manner of making the inspection and may prescribe other conditions to protect the constitutional rights of all parties. The order shall expire five (5) days after the date of its issuance, unless extended for justifiable reasons.
(c) Production Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon verified motion and after due hearing, may order any person in possession, custody or control of any designated documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible things, or objects in digitized or electronic form, which constitute or contain evidence relevant to the petition or the return, to produce and permit their inspection, copying or photographing by or on behalf of the movant.
The motion may be opposed on the ground of national security or of the privileged nature of the information, in which case the court, justice or judge may conduct a hearing in chambers to determine the merit of the opposition.
The court, justice or judge shall prescribe other conditions to protect the constitutional rights of all the parties.
(d) Witness Protection Order. - The court, justice or judge, upon motion or motu proprio, may refer the witnesses to the Department of Justice for admission to the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program, pursuant to Republic Act No. 6981.
The court, justice or judge may also refer the witnesses to other government agencies, or to accredited persons or private institutions capable of keeping and securing their safety.
Sec. 15. Availability of Interim Reliefs to Respondent. - Upon verified motion of the respondent and after due hearing, the court, justice or judge may issue an inspection order or production order under paragraphs (b) and (c) of the preceding section.
A motion for inspection order under this section shall be supported by affidavits or testimonies of witnesses having personal knowledge of the defenses of the respondent.
Sec. 16. Contempt. - The court, justice or judge may order the respondent who refuses to make a return, or who makes a false return, or any person who otherwise disobeys or resists a lawful process or order of the court to be punished for contempt. The contemnor may be imprisoned or imposed a fine.
Sec. 17. Burden of Proof and Standard of Diligence Required. - The parties shall establish their claims by substantial evidence.
The respondent who is a private individual or entity must prove that ordinary diligence as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations was observed in the performance of duty.
The respondent who is a public official or employee must prove that extraordinary diligence as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations was observed in the performance of duty.
The respondent public official or employee cannot invoke the presumption that official duty has been regularly performed to evade responsibility or liability.
Sec. 18. Judgment. - The court shall render judgment within ten (10) days from the time the petition is submitted for decision. If the allegations in the petition are proven by substantial evidence, the court shall grant the privilege of the writ and such reliefs as may be proper and appropriate; otherwise, the privilege shall be denied.
Sec. 19. Appeal. - Any party may appeal from the final judgment or order to the Supreme Court under Rule 45. The appeal may raise questions of fact or law or both.
The period of appeal shall be five (5) working days from the date of notice of the adverse judgment.
The appeal shall be given the same priority as in habeas corpus cases.
Sec. 20. Archiving and Revival of Cases. - The court shall not dismiss the petition, but shall archive it, if upon its determination it cannot proceed for a valid cause such as the failure of petitioner or witnesses to appear due to threats on their lives.
A periodic review of the archived cases shall be made by the amparo court that shall, motu proprio or upon motion by any party, order their revival when ready for further proceedings. The petition shall be dismissed with prejudice upon failure to prosecute the case after the lapse of two (2) years from notice to the petitioner of the order archiving the case.
The clerks of court shall submit to the Office of the Court Administrator a consolidated list of archived cases under this Rule not later than the first week of January of every year.
Sec. 21. Institution of Separate Actions. - This Rule shall not preclude the filing of separate criminal, civil or administrative actions.
Sec. 22. Effect of Filing of a Criminal Action. - When a criminal action has been commenced, no separate petition for the writ shall be filed. The reliefs under the writ shall be available by motion in the criminal case.
The procedure under this Rule shall govern the disposition of the reliefs available under the writ of amparo.
Sec. 23. Consolidation. - When a criminal action is filed subsequent to the filing of a petition for the writ, the latter shall be consolidated with the criminal action.
When a criminal action and a separate civil action are filed subsequent to a petition for a writ of amparo, the latter shall be consolidated with the criminal action.
After consolidation, the procedure under this Rule shall continue to apply to the disposition of the reliefs in the petition.
Sec. 24. Substantive Rights. - This Rule shall not diminish, increase or modify substantive rights recognized and protected by the Constitution.
Sec. 25. Suppletory Application of the Rules of Court. - The Rules of Court shall apply suppletorily insofar as it is not inconsistent with this Rule.
Sec. 26. Applicability to Pending Cases. - This Rule shall govern cases involving extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof pending in the trial and appellate courts.
Sec. 27. Effectivity. - This Rule shall take effect on October 24, 2007, following its publication in three (3) newspapers of general circulation.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
compressed workweek (concept)
compressed workweek - refers to ones where the normal workweek is reduced to less than six (6) days but the total numbers of work hours of 48 hours per week remains. the normal work hours in a day is increased to more than 8 hours but not to exceed twelve hours, without corresponding overtime premium. the concept can be adjusted accordingly depending on the normal workweek of the company.
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Civil Interdiction
civil interdiction covers deprivation of the ff rights:
a. parental authority
b. guardianship as to the person or property of any ward.
c. marital authority
d. manage his properties
e. dispose of such property by any act or conveyance intervivos.
a. parental authority
b. guardianship as to the person or property of any ward.
c. marital authority
d. manage his properties
e. dispose of such property by any act or conveyance intervivos.
Tax credit generally refers to an amount that is subtracted directly
from one’s total tax liability, an allowance against the tax itself, or a
deduction from what is owned.
A tax credit reduces the tax due,
including –whenever applicable – the income tax that is determined after
applying the corresponding tax rates to taxable income. (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Central
Luzon Drug Corporation, G. R. No. 159647, April 15, 2005)
tax deduction is defined as a
subtraction from income for tax purposes, or an amount that is allowed by law to
reduce income prior to the application of the tax rate to compute the amount of
tax which is due.
A tax deduction reduces the income
that is subject to tax in order to arrive at taxable income. (Commissioner of
Internal Revenue v. Central Luzon Drug Corporation, G. R. No. 159647, April
15, 2005)
A tax amnesty is a general pardon or intentional overlooking by the
State of its authority to impose penalties on persons otherwise guilty of evasion
or violation of a revenue or a tax law.
partakes of an absolute waiver by the government of its right to collect what
is due it and to give tax evaders who wish to relent a chance to start with a
clean slate. A tax amnesty, much like a tax exemption, is never favored nor
presumed in law. The grant of a tax amnesty, similar to a tax exemption, must
be construed strictly against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
authority. (Philippine Banking Corporation, etc., v.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G. R. No. 170574, January 30, 2009)
Tax avoidance is the use of legally permissible means to
reduce the tax while tax evasion is the use of illegal means to escape the
payment of taxes.
Tax sparing is
a provision in some tax treaties which provides that the state of residence
allows as credit the amount that would have been paid, as if no reduction has
been made. (Vogel,
Klaus on Double Taxation Conventions, Third Edition, p.1255 cited in Segarra,
Venice H, Tax Treaties: Trick or treat ?, Philippine Daily Inquirer, December
6, 2002, p. C5)
may be instances where a particular income is exempt from taxation in order to
encourage foreign investments which may lead to economic development. If the tax credit method is used, there would
be no more tax to credit since there is no more tax to credit as a result of
the tax exemption. Consequently, when
the tax method credit method is applied to these items of income, such
incentives are siphoned off since, in effect, the tax benefits are cancelled
out. (Ibid.) Thus,
the need for the tax sparing provision.
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1. Title. — This Rule shall be known as “The Rule of Procedure for
Small Claims Cases.”
2. Scope. — This Rule shall govern the procedure in actions before the
Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities, Municipal Trial
Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts for payment of money where the value
of the claim does not exceed One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) exclusive
of interest and costs.
3. Definition of Terms. — For purposes of this Rule:
Plaintiff refers to the party who initiated a small claims action. The term
includes a defendant who has filed a counterclaim against plaintiff;
Defendant is the party against whom the plaintiff has filed a small claims
action. The term includes a plaintiff against whom a defendant has filed a
claim, or a person who replies to the claim;
Person is an individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability
partnership, association, or other juridical entity endowed with personality by
Individual is a natural person;
Motion means a party’s request, written or oral, to the court for an order or
other action. It shall include an informal written request to the court, such
as a letter;
Good cause means circumstances sufficient to justify the requested order or
other action, as determined by the judge; and
Affidavit means a written statement or declaration of facts that are sworn or
affirmed to be true.
4. Applicability. — The Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial
Courts in Cities, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
shall apply this Rule in all actions which are: (a) purely civil in nature
where the claim or relief prayed for by the plaintiff is solely for payment or
reimbursement of sum of money, and (b) the civil aspect of criminal actions,
either filed before the institution of the criminal action, or reserved upon
the filing of the criminal action in court, pursuant to Rule 111 of the Revised
Rules Of Criminal Procedure.
claims or demands may be:
For money owed under any of the following:
Contract of Lease;
2. Contract of Loan;
3. Contract of Services;
4. Contract of Sale; or
5. Contract of Mortgage;
2. Contract of Loan;
3. Contract of Services;
4. Contract of Sale; or
5. Contract of Mortgage;
For damages arising from any of the following:
Fault or negligence;
2. Quasi-contract; or
3. Contract;
2. Quasi-contract; or
3. Contract;
The enforcement of a barangay amicable settlement or an arbitration award
involving a money claim covered by this Rule pursuant to Sec. 417 of Republic
Act 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.
5. Commencement of Small Claims Action. — A small claims action is
commenced by filing with the court an accomplished and verified Statement of
Claim (Form 1-SCC) in duplicate, accompanied by a Certification of Non-forum
Shopping (Form 1-A, SCC), and two (2) duly certified photocopies of the
actionable document/s subject of the claim, as well as the affidavits of
witnesses and other evidence to support the claim. No evidence shall be allowed
during the hearing which was not attached to or submitted together with the
Claim, unless good cause is shown for the admission of additional evidence.
formal pleading, other than the Statement of Claim described in this Rule, is
necessary to initiate a small claims action.
6. Joinder of Claims. — Plaintiff may join in a single statement of
claim one or more separate small claims against a defendant provided that the
total amount claimed, exclusive of interest and costs, does not exceed
7. Affidavits. — The affidavits submitted under this Rule shall state
only facts of direct personal knowledge of the affiants which are admissible in
violation of this requirement shall subject the party, and the counsel who
assisted the party in the preparation of the affidavits, if any, to appropriate
disciplinary action. The inadmissible affidavit(s) or portion(s) thereof shall
be expunged from the record.
8. Payment of Filing Fees. — The plaintiff shall pay the docket and
other legal fees prescribed under Rule 141 of the Revised Rules of Court,
unless allowed to litigate as an indigent.
claim filed with a motion to sue as indigent (Form 6-SCC) shall be referred to
the Executive Judge for immediate action in case of multi-sala courts, or to
the Presiding Judge of the court hearing the small claims case. If the motion
is granted by the Executive Judge, the case shall be raffled off or assigned to
the court designated to hear small claims cases. If the motion is denied, the
plaintiff shall be given five (5) days within which to pay the docket fees,
otherwise, the case shall be dismissed without prejudice. In no case shall a
party, even if declared an indigent, be exempt from the payment of the
P1,000.00 fee for service of summons and processes in civil cases.
9. Dismissal of the Claim. — After the court determines that the case
falls under this Rule, it may, from an examination of the allegations of the
Statement of Claim and such evidence attached thereto, by itself, dismiss the
case outright on any of the grounds apparent from the Claim for the dismissal
of a civil action.
10. Summons and Notice of Hearing. — If no ground for dismissal is
found, the court shall forthwith issue Summons (Form 2-SCC) on the day of
receipt of the Statement of Claim, directing the defendant to submit a verified
court shall also issue a Notice (Form 4-SCC) to both parties, directing them to
appear before it on a specific date and time for hearing, with a warning that
no unjustified postponement shall be allowed, as provided in Section 19 of this
summons and notice to be served on the defendant shall be accompanied by a copy
of the Statement of Claim and documents submitted by plaintiff, and a copy of
the Response (Form 3-SCC) to be accomplished by the defendant. The Notice shall
contain an express prohibition against the filing of a motion to dismiss or any
other motion under Section 14 of this Rule.
11. Response. — The defendant shall file with the court and serve on the
plaintiff a duly accomplished and verified Response within a non-extendible
period of ten (10) days from receipt of summons. The Response shall be
accompanied by certified photocopies of documents, as well as affidavits of
witnesses and other evidence in support thereof. No evidence shall be allowed
during the hearing which was not attached to or submitted together with the
Response, unless good cause is shown for the admission of additional evidence.
12. Effect of Failure to File Response. — Should the defendant fail to
file his Response within the required period, the court by itself shall render
judgment as may be warranted by the facts alleged in the Statement of Claim
limited to what is prayed for. The court however, may, in its discretion,
reduce the amount of damages for being excessive or unconscionable.
13. Counterclaims Within the Coverage of this Rule. — If at the time the
action is commenced, the defendant possesses a claim against the plaintiff that
(a) is within the coverage of this Rule, exclusive of interest and costs; (b)
arises out of the same transaction or event that is the subject matter of the
plaintiff’s claim; (c) does not require for its adjudication the joinder of
third parties; and (d) is not the subject of another pending action, the claim
shall be filed as a counterclaim in the Response; otherwise, the defendant
shall be barred from suit on the counterclaim.
defendant may also elect to file a counterclaim against the plaintiff that does
not arise out of the same transaction or occurrence, provided that the amount
and nature thereof are within the coverage of this Rule and the prescribed
docket and other legal fees are paid.
14. Prohibited Pleadings and Motions. — The following pleadings,
motions, or petitions shall not be allowed in the cases covered by this Rule:
Motion to dismiss the complaint except on the ground of lack of jurisdiction;
Motion for a bill of particulars;
Motion for new trial, or for reconsideration of a judgment, or for reopening of
Petition for relief from judgment;
Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, affidavits, or any other paper;
Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or prohibition against any interlocutory
order issued by the court;
Motion to declare the defendant in default;
Dilatory motions for postponement;
Third-party complaints; and
15. Availability of Forms; Assistance by Court Personnel. — The Clerk of
Court or other court personnel shall provide such assistance as may be
requested by a plaintiff or a defendant regarding the availability of forms and
other information about the coverage, requirements as well as procedure for
small claims cases.
16. Appearance. — The parties shall appear at the designated date of
hearing personally or through a representative authorized under a Special Power
of Attorney (Form 5-SCC) to enter into an amicable settlement, to submit to
Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) and to enter into stipulations or admissions
of facts and of documentary exhibits.
17. Appearance of Attorneys Not Allowed. — No attorney shall appear in
behalf of or represent a party at the hearing, unless the attorney is the
plaintiff or defendant.
the court determines that a party cannot properly present his/her claim or
defense and needs assistance, the court may, in its discretion, allow another
individual who is not an attorney to assist that party upon the latter’s
18. Non-appearance of Parties. — Failure of the plaintiff to appear
shall be cause for the dismissal of the claim without prejudice. The defendant
who appears shall be entitled to judgment on a permissive counterclaim.
of the defendant to appear shall have the same effect as failure to file a
Response under Section 12 of this Rule.
shall not apply where one of two or more defendants who are sued under a common
cause of action and have pleaded a common defense appears at the hearing.
of both parties to appear shall cause the dismissal with prejudice of both the
claim and counterclaim.
19. Postponement When Allowed. — A request for postponement of a hearing
may be granted only upon proof of the physical inability of the party to appear
before the court on the scheduled date and time. A party may avail of only one
(1) postponement.
20. Duty of the Court. — At the beginning of the court session, the
judge shall read aloud a short statement explaining the nature, purpose and the
rule of procedure of small claims cases.
21. Judicial Dispute Resolution. — At the hearing, the judge shall
conduct Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) through mediation, conciliation,
early neutral evaluation, or any other mode of JDR. Any settlement (Form 7-SCC)
or resolution (Form 8-SCC) of the dispute shall be reduced into writing, signed
by the parties and submitted to the court for approval (Form 12-SCC).
22. Failure of JDR. — If JDR fails and the parties agree in writing
(Form 10-SCC) that the hearing of the case shall be presided over by the judge
who conducted the JDR, the hearing shall so proceed in an informal and
expeditious manner and terminated within one (1) day.
such agreement, (a) in case of a multi-sala court, the case shall, on the same
day, be transmitted (Form 11-SCC) to the Office of the Clerk of Court for
immediate referral by the Executive Judge to the pairing judge for hearing and
decision within five (5) working days from referral; and (b) in case of a
single sala court, the pairing judge shall hear and decide the case in the
court of origin within five (5) working days from referral by the JDR judge.
23. Decision.—After the hearing, the court shall render its decision on
the same day, based on the facts established by the evidence (Form 13-SCC). The
decision shall immediately be entered by the Clerk of Court in the court docket
for civil cases and a copy thereof forthwith served on the parties.
decision shall be final and unappealable.
24. Execution. — If the decision is rendered in favor of the plaintiff,
execution shall issue upon motion (Form 9-SCC).
25. Applicability of the Rules of Civil Procedure. — The Rules of Civil Procedure
shall apply suppletorily insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Rule.
26. Effectivity.—This Rule shall take effect on October 1, 2008 for the
pilot courts designated to apply the procedure for small claims cases following
its publication in two newspapers of general circulation.
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Thursday, November 22, 2012
Philippines Lawyer’s Oath
Lawyer’s Oath
I, ____________, do solemnly swear that I will maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
Philippines; I will support its Constitution and obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the duly
constituted authorities therein; I will do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will
not wittingly or willingly promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit, nor give aid nor
consent to the same; I will delay no man for money or malice and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge and discretion with all good fidelity as well to the courts as to
my clients; and I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation without any mental reservation or
purpose of evasion. So help me God.
Law Practice
Public Officials Who Cannot Practice Law in the Philippines:
1. Judges and other officials or employees of the superior court
2. Officials and employees of the Office of the Solicitor General
3. Government Prosecutors
4. President, Vice-President, members of the Cabinet, their deputies and
5. Chairmen and members of the Constitutional Commissions
6. Ombudsman and his deputies
7. Governors, city and municipal mayors
8. Those who, by special law are prohibited from engaging in the practice of
their legal profession.
Public Officials with restrictions in the practice of law:
1. Senators and Members of the House of Representatives
2. Members of the Sanggunian
3. Retired Justice or Judge
4. Civil Service officers or employees without permit from their respective
department heads.
Labor Law related Doctrines
Theory of imputed knowledge - A rule in insurance law that any information material to the transaction, either
possessed by the agent at the time of the transaction or acquired by him before its completion, is deemed to be the knowledge of the principal, at least so far as the transaction is concerned, even though in fact the knowledge is not communicated to the principal at all.
"No work no pay" principle - Actual work is the basis of claim for wages.
Non-diminution of benefits - This principle mandates that the reduction or diminution or withdrawal by employers of any benefits, supplements or payments as provided in existing laws, individual agreements or collective bargaining agreements between workers and employers or voluntary employer practice or policy, is not allowed. The benefits being given to employees cannot be taken back or reduced unilaterally by the employer because the benefits have become part of the employment contract, written or unwritten.
Reasonable connection rule - The primary standard is the reasonable connection between the particular activity performed by the employee in relation to the usual business or trade of the employer. If the employee has been performing the job for at least one year, even if the performance is not continuous or only intermittent, the law deems the repeated and continuing need for its performance as sufficient evidence of the necessity, if not indispensability, of the activity of the business.
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